Muthoottu Mini Financiers Ltd. have since inception, seen ourselves as a corporate citizen responsible to the society and we are committed to using long-term interventions to achieve our CSR goals and in the future. We look forward to working with implementing organisations with a proven track record in the areas where we want to have a significant impact. We also think we are in a good position to build on the framework established and knowledge gained in the current year to widen and accelerate our CSR interventions in order to make a difference and satisfy both our own and the legal requirements. As a part of trying to give back to the community, we have promoted education as well as vocational skills, especially in children; healthcare including preventive healthcare; education and upliftment of disabled people; gender equality; increased facilities for senior citizens and economically backward groups; environmental sustainability; eradicating hunger and poverty; protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of buildings and sited of historical importance; setting up of public libraries.